
Online Check-In

Online Check-in is now closed.

What is Online Check-in?

Online Check-in eliminates the need for your team to show up in person before your first game by allowing you to complete the check-in process online. You will be required to upload .pdf files or images to the secure sincSports cloud. The event will determine which documents are required.

There is a $20 non-refundable fee.

You must scan documents or take digital photos to complete this process. We will help you through the rest! Please click the link below to begin:

Begin Online Check-in

  • BUSA is proud to announce Red Diamond's continuation as title sponsor of one of the most competitive youth soccer tournaments in the Southeastern region.  As part of the sponsorship, the tournament will now become the Red Diamond Classic! Entering its 17th year of elite level competition playing games on beautifully manicured Bermuda grass fields, the tournament’s history has become synonymous with the Red Diamond brand.  Birmingham United Soccer Association greatly appreciates Red Diamond’s continued support of the tournament and youth soccer in the Birmingham area.   Red Diamond is a 109 year-old family-owned coffee, tea and foodservice company providing high quality products to fine hotels, restaurants, offices, institutions and homes across the United States.  Visit A new logo will be displayed in the coming days.

  • The 2015 Red Diamond Vulcan Cup is now accepting applications.  Apply now! This tournament is for teams looking for a highly competitive tournament experience played on beautifully manicured fields in the lovely Spring weather of Birmingham, Alabama.  Click here to apply!

  • Red Diamond Coffee & Tea Sponsoring the Tournament Again!!
    BUSA is proud to announce Red Diamond...
  • Who will be Crowned Champions?
    The 2015 Red Diamond Vulcan Cup is now a...


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