
Your USA Rank Emblem

USA Rank has moved so far ahead of every youth ranking system, it hard to know where to begin.
A couple of the features that have been carried forward make up the core values; features that must define any valid ranking system. The system is OPEN and OBJECTIVE. Otherwise, it is not a ranking system, it is just a toy for the benefit of the ranking provider.
Teams are ranked within levels, so that teams can compete within their current ability and seek to move up to another level as appropriate.  The top 100 teams are in Gold, the next 150 in Silver, 200 in Bronze, 300 in Red, 300 in Blue and finally, 500 in Green.
The USA Rank team has made a commitment to maintaining the most complete and accurate rankings across the nation. To that end the USA Rank team has added hundreds of thousands of results from the past year and identified hundreds of "Ranking" events.  Their complete results are being entered in-house and linked to the proper teams after they take place.
Rankings are calculated each week and the weekly results are archived for the past 26 weeks so teams can track their progress and verify their journey.


Soccer in College gave me the resources to get my profile out to many college coaches. The site is easy to use and is a contributor in helping me land my college scholarship.
- Callie ThomasWhat are others saying?