As you grow older you will discover
that you have two hands.
One for helping yourself,
the other for helping others. 

Abraham Lincoln 

PASSBACK"Share the Equipment, Share the Game"

The Passback Program is a joint effort between the U.S. Soccer Foundation, Eurosport and Major League Soccer to help meet the soccer uniform and equipment needs of all communities, regardless of income, gender or location. Since its inception, the program has grown enormously and thousands of pieces of equipment have been collected and distributed to schools, clubs and youth organizations across the nation. From a small school in Zimbabwe to an after-school program in inner-city New York, Passback gear has found its way to all corners of the globe, but we know we can do more! Participate in Passback and help us reach our ultimate goal of collecting and distributing a million pieces of equipment! Thousands of lives will be changed because of your efforts.

For more information, please go to

Partner in Education

From career days to partnering with physical education professionals, United FA supports our community’s educational establishments.

United FA staff visit elementary schools and work with PE teachers. Our support goes beyond the following:

  • Red Ribbon Week messages
  • Spending time in PE classes teaching soccer skills
  • Help during Field Day activities
  • We look forward to partnering with our schools and community. 

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