The WFT 6v6 World Cup V (Adult divisions only) is a USASA/SCASA sanctioned tournament. The WFT decided to sanction the event in order to broaden its scope of participation nationally (and internationally in the future), to provide teams and players better oversight of the types of teams participating and to provide referees with the necessary backing to perform their duties while dealing only with USASA registered amateur players.
The small sided game of 6v6/7v7 has become a favorite soccer league activity for so many adult players in the US and that has led the WFT to add its 6v6 game to its growing base of 3v3 tournaments. The adult 6v6 competition officially begins at the WFT State Cup level. This summer there will be State Cups for: VA-MD, NC-SC, GA, AL-TN, and FL. Some of the Local WFT events also include adult 6v6 divisions (check your nearest events for more information).
The WFT 6v6 World Cup V event is open to all adult teams without any qualifying process. Non-sanctioned teams may register with their USASA state association for temporary membership to participate in this tournament with full member benefits. To find your state office, click here: USASA State Members

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