All college coaches can search through the database of athletes participating in the . Athletes may make sure they are included in the search by updating their profile and filling out the "College Prep" section. Only athletes who have completed that section and have confirmed their status within the past 90 days accurate data) will appear in the search. Coaches can then contact athletes directly from this page. This is a great opportunity for athletes to be seen by college coaches!

Athlete Search

The "Add to Watch List" button next to each athlete adds the player to your list to watch for this event and will give you quick access to their schedule and profile information. You can also rate and add comments for that player from within the SincSports app to simplify your recruiting efforts.

I have used the Soccer in College site for 8 years, and it has helped me keep my personal and soccer information up to date, and has helped be track college contacts and interest. I think the site helped me prepare for college offers, and helped me determine that I wanted to play for UNC.
- Maggie PierceWhat are others saying?