Triad Elite Beat the Heat

Dear Coach:

Potential recruits will be playing at the Sara Lee Soccer Complex and Hine Soccer Park 4/13 & 4/14.  Due to your complex schedule, we are making the College profile book available for registered coaches to download and print in advance so you can plan your weekend.

The download will be available on (when you are logged in)  April 2019.

When you login, click "Triad Elite Beat the Heat" to access a custom online schedule for your program that highlights athletes that have identified your program as one of their top choices and athletes whose criteria matches your program. Click the book to the left of "Triad Elite Beat the Heat" to download an up-to-date version of the profile book.

If you are unable to print the book, you may request a hardcopy upon registering for the event in April. The hardcopy will be available for pickup at the tournament headquarters on Friday, April 12 at registration from 5 - 8pm at Sara Lee Soccer Complex.


Laura Lovato

Tournament Director

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