Welcome to the
10th Annual DSC Rock Hill Classic Sponsored by
Academy Sports and Outdoors
8U-19U Boys and Girls teams of all levels welcome
Team Registration has ended.
Future team registrations will be placed on a waitlist.
We will contact you if we have room for your team.
We invite you to attend the DSC Rock Hill Classic. We look forward to being your host for a fun and competitive weekend of soccer. This event brings in teams from all over South Carolina, North Carolina, Georgia, Virginia, West Virginia, and Tennessee.
Games will be played at the State-of-the-Art Manchester Meadows Soccer Complex, the 4 new turf Comporium Complex, Winthrop University, BMX Soccer fields, Cherry Park, and Ramblewood Soccer Complex.
There are no guarantee's on field assignments but the general plan for age groups is the following:
U8-10 teams at BMX and Cherry Park
U11-12 at BMX, Cherry Park and Winthrop
U13 at Comporium, Cherry Park, and Manchester Meadows
U14-19 at Ramblewood, Manchester Meadows, and Comporium
****** Please note coach conflicts and number of teams in each age bracket can change venue assignments.
Special Promotion from Winthrop Men's Soccer Program:
Men's Game vs.Georgia State at 7pm at Eagle Field (Winthrop Campus)
For the DSC tourney weekend, any youth player that is wearing a jersey, club shirt, warm-up etc. will be admitted for free. Parents will be charged at the adult rate of $5.