
      2022 Zane Cup Memorial Tournament

      If this is the first tournament you are applying for, please  click the "Register" button.

      If you have already created an account, please login first by clicking "LOGIN" above. When you are logged in, all of your information will be populated for you so you don't have to enter it again.

      Thanks again for visiting our 2022 Zane Cup Memorial Website and we hope to see you this year!

      Important Dates:

      May 5th, 2022, Registration Opens

      June 13th, 2022, Registration Closes

      June 13th, 2022, Last Day to start on line Check-In

      June 23rd, 2022, 5:00 PM, In Person Team Check-In Begins

      June 23rd, 2022, 6:00 PM, Tournament Begins Game Play

      Have a Great Tournament Experience!

    • A Big Thank You
      A Big Thank You To All

          We wanted to thank all those Players, Parents and Coaches for your participation in last Summers 2021 Zane Cup Tournament.

      Also, a big thank you to all those Volunteer's, and Sponsor's for your efforts, time and support. Without your involvement the Tournament atmosphere and experience would be limited.

      The Zane Cup has always exemplified a standard of play and competition for all to enjoy!

      Our Tournament focus was to insure playing flights that were balanced in competitiveness that was reflective during Tournament game competition. 

      With everyone's continued support and participation, The 2022 Zane Cup will provide both Team and Player development, and insure a platform for continued future Tournament success.

      We look forward to seeing and hosting you all this summer.
    • Tournament Director Contact
      Chugiak Soccer Club Alaska

      2022 Zane Cup Tournament Contact Information

      For Tournament Information please contact : Aaron Richardson, Chugiak Zane Cup Tournament Director/DOC

      Phone: ( 907) 354-2575

      Email:  soccerplayer5@mtaonline.net
    • About Zane

      Zane Stephl was a member of the Northern Lights Soccer Club's Dynamo 88 team. Just short of his 12th birthday Zane died of leukemia. We honor Zane and his memory annually with the Zane Cup Memorial Soccer Tournament.

      We remember Zane as an outgoing, rambunctious boy who was full of life. He was a go getter on the field, a comedian on the sidelines and a role model and friend to kids all over town. He had enough energy to keep his parents, Matt and Barbara, driving winter and summer to events all over the State.

      Zane overcame leukemia when he was 5 years old; to do that he endured 7 months of chemotherapy and a bone marrow transplant. His treatment was in Seattle which meant he was away from friends and most of his family during this tough time. He got through it with an optimistic attitude and a lot of bravery for a young child.

      For the next 6 years Zane reached incredible goals; he played soccer and hockey competitively and also enjoyed football, basketball, swimming, snow machining and other sports recreationally. Along with sports he did well in school, enjoyed video games, books and loved playing with his buddies most of all. Making the Dynamo 88 team was his proudest accomplishment.

      In the spring of 1999 the leukemia returned. This time, despite a second bone marrow transplant, complications arose and Zane did not win the battle. The Zane Cup Memorial Tournament was born that year; the brain child of the Dynamo 88 team and their coach, Dee Taylor.

      What lessons did we learn from Zane? We learned that life is not forever. We learned that with a positive attitude we could overcome great obstacles. We learned that friendship and teamwork are important in good times and in bad. We learned about courage. Soccer is a game but through sport we make friends, learn to work together and lead a healthy life.

      Good luck to all Zane Cup Tournament teams; have a great tournament!

      PLAY ON!

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