Points are awarded as follows:
Win = 3 points
Tie = 1 points
Loss = 0 points
A team that forfeits a game will give up 3 (three) points to the declared winner of the game and
shall not advance to a final match. The match will be scored as a 3-0 win for the declared winner.
Scoring issues should be reported immediately to the Tournament Director for re-verification. All
scores will be verified and signed off on by the winning coach.
If at the conclusion of bracket play, two or more teams have the same point total, advancement to
the semifinals will be determined using the following tiebreakers in the order listed until a team is
eliminated. If more than 2 teams are tied, proceed to step 2.
1. Head to Head (disregard if more than 2 teams are tied)
2. Goals For (maximum four (4) per game)
3. Most Wins
4. Least Goals Allowed
5. Penalty Shootout