Crystal Lake FORCE Classic - Rules and Regulations August 22-24, 2025
All games shall be played in accordance with the Laws of the Game as issued by FIFA/USYSA and Illinois Youth Soccer Association. The following rules supplement the Laws of the Game.
• Any team that has not successfully submitted their team paperwork through Sinc Sports are required to check in on site at Lippold Park Soccer House, 45 mins - 1 hour prior to their first game which will either be on the evening of Friday August 16 or on Saturday August 17. Teams who have submitted their paperwork in full can go directly to the field prior to their first game.
• All non-IYSA registered teams must present a completed form for each participant at registration, which the tournament will keep. IYSA registered teams are not required to present a medical release form. In the event of an injury, the Tournament Host is required to keep a copy of the medical release form and submit a copy to the IYSA.
• All out of state teams must have a travel permit.
• All teams with guest players (3 allowed per team at U7-U8, 5 allowed per team at U9-U19) must have a USYSA tournament guest player roster form. Players from within the club are not considered guests and the guest player form is not required, they may be added to the tournament roster and their player pass will suffice.
• Tournament Rosters may be changed up to the point of registration, at which point it is frozen and cannot be altered for the tournament.
• AYSO or recreational teams must register with the IYSA as a tournament team, and obtain passes, in order to participate.
• All rostered players must have a current laminated player pass card. This can be a hard pass, mobile pass, or color copy of pass submitted with team paperwork.
• No player shall be allowed to register for more than one team or switch from one team to another during the course of the tournament, unless prior approval has been given by the Tournament Director in writing.
• Game duration:7U-8U (5v5)-2x20min,8U,9U-10U (7v7) -2x25min,11U-12U-2x30min,13U-15U-2x35 min, 16U-19U - 2 x 40 mins
- 4 minute Halftime
- The tournament does not require the referee to add time to any game. Referee or Tournament
Staff decisions in these matters are final.
• Roster Size – U8 = 8 players; U9-U10 = 14 players; U11-U12 = 16 players; U13-U15 = 22 players; U15-U18 = 22 players
• All parents and spectators are required to sit on one side of the field opposite the players.
• Teams are allowed 3 passed coaches on bench. Each coach in the bench area must be licensed and passed, and is responsible for his/her team and spectators at each game. In the event a coach with a valid pass is not available to start a game, FORCE will provide a passed coach (for a fee – to be charged to the team/club). Any team not having a passed coach at the beginning of the game will have until the end of halftime to provide a passed coach or the game at hand will be forfeited (see Forfeit section for impact of forfeiting a game). The appointed FORCE coach will stay with the team through the second half to allow the players to complete the game.
• Home team wears light colored jersey, Away team wears dark colored jersey. In the event of a conflict, the home team must change.
• No coin toss – Home team sits on north/west bench, defends north/west goal and has kick off in the first half, teams switch at half-time.
• Off-sides rule will be enforced at all ages playing 7v7, 9v9 and 11v11, but not 4v4 or 5v5.
• If an Official Tournament Ball is not present, the home team is responsible to provide a game ball. • All U7 - U12 divisions shall use a #4 ball. U13 - U18 divisions shall use a #5 ball.
• U7-U8 games will be played on a 35x25 yard 5v5 field with goalkeepers; U9-U10 games will be played 7v7 on fields sized between 70-60 yards in length & 40-50 yards in width; U11-U12 games will be played 9v9 on fields sized between 80-95 yards in length & 50-60 yards in width, and U13-U18 will be played 11v11 on full size fields.
• U7-U8 goal sizes will be 6’x12’ (with goalkeepers); U9-U10 goal sizes will be 6’x18’ ; U11-U12 goal sizes will range between 6’x18’, 7’x21’ or ‘8x24’ (but will always be the same for both teams); U13-U18 goal sizes will be 8’x24’.
• Field Marshals will not return player passes after a game if bench area is not clean.
SPECIAL RULES for U7-U8 5vs5
- No offsides
- On a goal kick the opposition team is encouraged to retreat to the half way line (which will serve as a build out line) un?l the team in possession touches the ball into play.
- BUILD OUT LINE for U9-U10 (7v7) fields
• The build out line promotes playing the ball out of the back in a less pressured setting
• When the goalkeeper has the ball in his or her hands during play from the opponent, the opposing team must move behind the build out line until the ball is put into play
• Once the opposing team is behind the build out line, the goalkeeper can pass, throw or roll the ball into play (punts and drop kicks are not allowed)
• After the ball is put into play by the goalkeeper, the opposing team can cross the build out line and play resumes as normal
• The opposing team must also move behind the build out line during a goal kick until the ball is put into play
• If a goalkeeper punts or drop kicks the ball, an indirect free kick should be awarded to the opposing team from the spot of the offense
• If the punt or drop kick occurs within the goal area, the indirect free kick should be taken on the goal area line parallel to the goal line at the nearest point to where the infringement occurred
• The build out line will also be used to denote where offside offenses can be called
• Players cannot be penalized for an offside offense between the halfway line and the build out line
• Players can be penalized for an offside offense between the build out line and goal line
Games in the preliminary rounds will be scored as follows: Win – 3 Points, Draw – 1 Point, Loss - 0 Point In the event of a tie in deciding group positions, the following criteria will be used to break the tie:
1. Head to head competition
2. Goal Differential (max 4 per game)
3. Most goals scored (max 4 per game)
4. Fewest goals allowed
5. Penalty kicks
In the event 3 teams are tied, the head to head tie-breaker will only come into play if all three of the tied teams have played each other in the bracket. If not the next tie-breaker will be applied until one team is eliminated. We will then go back to the first tie-breaker and apply the rules again with the two remaining teams in sequence until a winner can be determined, The tournament staff may change the semi-final bracketing of teams, so that two teams that have already played will not have to play again until the final.
During group competition, no overtime will be played. In the event of a tie in semi-final, third place and championship games, the following will occur:
• Teams will play two 5 minute overtime periods (no golden goal).
• If still tied acer overtime periods, teams will designate five players to take alternate penalty kicks: the best of five is the winner. Only those players on the field of play at the end of the second over?me period are eligible to take penalty kicks.
• If teams are still tied after 5 kicks, the remaining players will take alternate penalty kicks in sudden death fashion to determine a winner.
- 4 team groups - Teams play 3 group games > 1st and 2nd place teams in group standings advance to championship game.
- 5 team groups - Teams play 2 randomly selected group games > 1st in group advances directly to championship game. 2nd & 3rd in group advance to semi-final (winner of semi advances to take 2nd spot in championship game). 4th and 5th in group play consolation as 3rd game.
- 6 team groups - Split into two brackets of 3 (Bracket A & B). Teams play both teams in their bracket plus one crossover game > 1st place in Bracket A & 1st place in Bracket B advance to championship game.
- 8 team groups - Split into two brackets of 4. Teams play 3 games against teams within their bracket, first place team in both brackets advance to championship game.
Note: In all groups, every attempt will be made to not have a repeat opponent unless it is a 4th game. In the event this is unavoidable, a partial refund will be given to a team who plays a total of 3 games where two of the games were against the same opponent.
• In accordance with the IYSA, Rule 007, which endorses FIFA Law 4, “A player must not use equipment or wear anything which is dangerous to himself or another player.” Therefore, no prescription glasses are permitted, only sports goggles.
• Casts and Orthopedic devices may be worn only if fully covered by foam and elastic bandage, and the player is allowed to play with the consent of the on-field referee, the Head referee will make the final decision if necessary. No metal parts may be exposed. Devices designed for sport play only may be worn.
• No jewelry may be worn by any player (earrings, watches, necklaces, etc.)
• Shin guards must be worn by all players at all times.
• All players must have an individual number on their jersey, no duplicate numbers.
• All players’ equipment is subject to referee approval.
• Five players constitute a team for U9-U12, seven players for U13-U15. Games will commence on time if the minimum numbers of players are present. A forfeit shall be awarded if a team is not present and prepared to play with five minutes of the scheduled start time.
• In the event of a forfeit, the winning team will be awarded a 3-0 win.
• Any team that forfeits a game may not advance to the semi-final or final round.
• U7-U12 substitution is on the fly.
• U13 and older, substitutions shall be unlimited, but made only at the following times:
• Goal Kick – both teams.
• After a goal – both teams.
• Half time – both teams.
• At the beginning of an overtime period – both teams.
• Throw – in, both teams may sub if the team in possession of the throw is subbing.
• After a yellow card, for carded player only.
• An injured player may be substituted for at the discretion of referee. If a substitution is made for the injured player, the opposing team may also make a “one-for-one” substitution.
• All referee decisions are final. No protests will be heard on any judgment calls by the referee.
• All protests must be written to the tournament committee within one hour after completion of the game, along with a check for $100. If the protest is not upheld, the protest fee will not be refunded.
• A player, who receives a red card, will receive a minimum of a one game suspension. The tournament committee can increase that suspension if it is warranted.
• The throwing of a punch is an automatic removal from the tournament.
• A coach who receives a red card will receive a minimum of a one game suspension plus possible intervention by the tournament committee and their state association.
• No substitution can be made for a disqualified player for that game.
The tournament committee reserves the right to:
1. Reschedule, relocate or terminate games due to weather conditions. If 1⁄2 of the game has been played when interrupted by severe weather, the game stands as a completed match and is scored accordingly.
2. Reduce by up to half, the duration of a game interrupted by severe weather.
3. Cancel a game that has no bearing in deciding the group winner.
4. 4. Count a 3rd group game as the championship game if both teams have secured a spot in the final, and only if both teams Head Coaches approve.
5. Decide the final tournament standings, trophy winners.
6. Move penalty kicks to another field or area in order not to hold up other games.
The tournament director has the right to change any of these rules or make a decision that would be in the best interest of the participants.
Neither the Tournament Committee nor Crystal Lake Soccer Federation are responsible for any expenses incurred by any team in the event games are discontinued or canceled due to inclement weather or adverse field conditions. No refunds will be made unless the tournament is cancelled, in which case refunds will be disbursed on a pro-rata basis with a full refund if the event is cancelled before it starts. If the tournament is cancelled due to an ‘”act of nature”, the tournament has the option of retaining 20% of the team entry fee. The tournament Committee reserves the right to decide all matters pertaining to the tournament, and the judgment is final.
Please remember that the Crystal Lake FORCE Classic is dedicated to the development of all the young men and women participating in the tournament, to good sportsmanship and to the “good of soccer.” The Tournament Director may suspend, without recourse or appeal, any players, coaches, or spectators who demonstrate anything less.