Men's College Soccer Recruits

Graduation Year
Last Name
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Featured Athletes

Athlete NameTeam NamePositionGrad Year
Carlos Lopez TFC 08B Ibis Left Wing2027
Kavi German TFC 06/07B Ibis Goalie2027
Joseph Glisson TFC 06/07B Statesboro 2025
Cely Martin ESC 06/07 Boys Elite Defensive/Mid2025
Fadil Karichiyil Ambush SC B07/06 White Left Mid2026
Nathaniel Rusnic Piedmont SA 2006 Blue 2024
Noah Dixon Richmond Hill SC 08 Boys Forward/Mid2027
Nathan Towner OCSL 08 Boys Center Defender2026
WIlliam Farrar OFC 08 Boys Right Defender2026
Marlon Guerra-cruz TFC 09B Ibis 2027
Joshua Munster Ambush SC B15 White Center Mid2024
Dev Patel CASA Pride 2006/07 Boys Select Defensive/Mid2025
Justin Bowers TFC 06/07B Magenta Forward/Mid2025
Benjamin Lujan TFC 09B Ibis Center Mid2027
Yash Khatri Ambush SC B07/06 White Goalie2026
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 ...
Last update: 9/18/2024 at 9:15 PM. The list will be updated again at: 12:15 AM.
ATHENS 2024 F M 4 0
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