
The Application period has ended.

You will be required to submit full contact information for 
TWO or THREE TEAM OFFICIALS when filling out your intent to play. 

These TEAM OFFICIALS will have access to the website, should be risk managed and preferably rostered members of the Team Staff:

PRIMARY TEAM OFFICIAL (MANAGER): As the OFFICIAL spokesperson of the team, this person will receive all forms, reports, schedules, etc.  A daytime phone number and email address must be provided. If this information is incorrect, your team information may be delayed in getting to you, so please provide updated information.  If your contact information changes throughout the year, you are responsible for updating this information on your team's team page.

SCHEDULING CONTACT FOR TEAM: This person is the person you would like contacted for scheduling purposes. If this person is the same person as your Primary Team Official (Manager), then it is ok to list them in both places. This should be the person you would like contacted to set up your schedules whether it be your coach, director of coaching, or field coordinator.

OPTIONAL 3rd CONTACT (CLUB CONTACT): You will have the option of adding a 3rd contact to the system. You can utilize this contact for your Club's Admin, Age Group DOC, or Club Liaison you would like to have listed in addition to your team.

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Applications are not being accepted at this time