National Soccer Events will run club tournaments for clubs! NSE Club Sponsored Tournaments are tournaments that soccer clubs have and need a tournament director. NSE will run the tournament for the club and split the funds in a predetermined percentage. For more info please contact us at
NSE Tournament Features: Nice Fields Big trophies Coach's Gift for 1st and 2nd Custom Shirts Online Scoring Text Messaging Service Online Team Registration and much more!
Are you looking for someone to run your club's tournaments? If so, we might be the company for you. We do it all and eliminate the hassle for you and your organization. Click "Programs" to find the program that will help maximize your club's tournament experience.
We work hard to provide a great soccer experience. We often have Gold, Silver, and Bronze Divisions so teams can play at the appropriate competitive level. Click on the "Tournament" tab to see which of our tournaments best suits your team's needs.
Teams entering a National Soccer Events tournament will be grouped according to past playing records to make the most competitive divisions possible. read more
Since 1995, the staff of National Soccer Events has been running youth soccer tournaments. We pride ourselves in running tournaments without cutting corners. NSE tournaments provide a great experience for everyone involved. If you need help running your tournament, or if you are looking to participate in a quality tournament, we hope you will give one of our events a try!
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