League Handbook


Team Handbook – 2023-2024 Season 

A US Club Soccer Sanctioned League 



The goal of this handbook is to provide assistance to clubs, coaches and managers to 

ensure the Carolina Champions League operates smoothly and is a positive experience 

for all involved – players, coaches, managers, club officials, referees, and parents. 

When competing in Carolina Champions League Programs, the club is responsible for 

overseeing their coaches, players, parents and club personnel – administratively, on and 

around the field. Each club is responsible for ensuring all club members understand and 

meet the following requirements and follow Carolina Champions League Rules and 

Code of Ethics. 


Quality – Clubs and their teams must be committed to striving for excellence with 

respect to play, sportsmanship, fields, referees, and the total soccer experience. 


Director of Coaching – Clubs must have a named Director of Coaching listed on the 

Carolina Champions League contacts page with a working email address. The Director must 

be familiar with each team in their club and the team’s involvement in the Carolina 

Champions League Programs. 

Administrator – Clubs must have an administrator responsible for helping teams 

maintain their club and team information on the Carolina Champions League website. 

 This person should have a working email address and be available to assist team 

managers with all administrative tasks. 


Good Standing – Clubs must be in good standing with the Carolina Champions 




Table of Contents 


Mission Statement & Core Values 5 

Carolina Champions League General Rule & Regulations 

Admin/ Management 6 

Scheduling/ Communication 8 

Game Officials 9 

League Discipline 9 

Equipment 10 

Carolina Champions League General Rule & Regulations 

Competition Rules 13 

Rosters 17 

Game Day Procedures 18 









Vision - Grow the game through collaboration. 


Mission - A positive culture among local clubs that allows an 

inclusive platform to develop and create their own identity! 


Core Values 


? Collaboration 

o Supporting clubs to work together 

? Relationships 

o Growing the game together 

? Courage 

o Confidence to create change 

? Education 

o Developing the best coaches, to create the best players 

? Action 

o Staying relevant and ahead of the trends 

? Competition 

o Healthy competition - ” its essential for development” 




Carolina Champions League General Rules and Regulations 


Applies to all Carolina Champions League hosted games. 


Section 1: Administration/ Management 

1.1 – Carolina Champions League 

The Carolina Champions League, is a US Club Soccer sanctioned league and member of the 

United States Soccer Federation. 

1.2 – Governance 

All Carolina Champions League competitions are governed by regulations approved by the 

League Office and written in this handbook. The League Office shall rule on all disputes and 

issues pertaining to Carolina Champions League competitions that are not covered in the Code of 

Ethics. The League Office may overrule rules in this handbook if it is determined to be for the 

good of the game. 

1.3 – Club Definition 

In order for a club to be considered a member of the Carolina Champions League, the following 

conditions must be satisfied: 


1. All teams participating in Carolina Champions League events must belong to a single 

legal entity, with a single leadership structure, single financial structure and a single 

governance structure. 

2. All teams participating in Carolina Champions League events must have a common Club 

name, logo and uniform. 

3. All teams participating in Carolina Champions League events must operate under a single 

technical structure/ plan and report to a single Technical Director, Director of Coaching 

or Executive Director. 

4. All players participating in Carolina Champions League events must be registered under 

a  US Club ID. 



1.4 - Club Pass Rule 

Each US Club Soccer player pass can be used for any age-appropriate team in the issuing club. 

 Thus, players have the ability to move up and down within their club, giving individual teams 

the ability to make changes game to game due to illness, injury, vacation or other conflicts. It is 

considered unethical for teams to move players down within a club for the purpose of creating a 

competitive advantage. 


1.5 - Team Management 

Overall, clubs are responsible for the management of their teams. In order to compete in Carolina 

Champions League events, each team must have a team administrator who oversees the following 

responsibilities: referee payments, travel cooperation and communication with appropriate 

league officials. All team administrators must have access to email that is checked on a daily basis 

and a telephone number connected to a 24-hour answering system during the season. 


1.6 - Division Formations 

Competitive divisions will be structured according to the playing level of teams as determined by 

the Carolina Champions League Office, which has final authority on all placement issues. 

Should the Carolina Champions League determine there is an insufficient number of teams to 

constitute an age group division, the teams affected may be allowed to temporarily or partially 

compete in a different division of play. 


1.7 - League Standings 

Official standings of teams, the keeping of which is the responsibility of the League Office. 


1.8 – Play Up Request Guidelines 

For teams who wish to request to play up an age group, the Carolina Champions League Office 

will use the following criteria to determine if a team needs to play up for their development: 


1. Team has proven in previous seasons to be a very dominant team within their own age 

group, OR 

2. Team does not have appropriate competition locally and needs to travel significantly in 

order to find competition within their own age group 

Play up requests must be submitted to the League Office. The Carolina Champions League 

Office has final say on all Play Up decisions. 

Section 2: Scheduling and Communication 


2.1 – Required Club Contacts 

Each club needs to be kept up to date with the proper contact information. Please keep in mind 

that this is the primary method by which Carolina Champions League communicates with your 

club. Failing to have the proper contact information may result in your club missing vital league 

communication. Each club shall maintain the following club contacts: 

? DOC - mandatory 

? President - optional 

? Administrator  - mandatory 


2.2 - Communication Policy 

Communication between teams is vitally important for all Carolina Champions League events.  

Each team must have at least 2 different contacts listed on the Carolina Champions League Club 

Contact page and ensure that both contacts have an email and phone number listed. Team 

contacts must respond to communication within 48 hours. Listing the wrong email or phone 

number will not be a valid excuse for not responding to communication. 


2.3 - Policy for Scheduling Matches 

The Carolina Champions League Office will provide dates for all matches along with 

scheduling deadlines. Teams are expected to be available to play any time on the game dates 

available you provided. After the deadline passes, the schedules are locked and games cannot be rescheduled. 

 Teams unwilling or unable to attend games will forfeit the game. Any unplayed games will be 

documented by league officials and may result in a club being removed from Carolina 

Champions League. 


2.4 – Re-Scheduling Games 

Once a game has been agreed on in writing, both teams must agree on any scheduling change. 

 After the scheduling deadline passes, a date must be set before any change is made to the 

schedule. i.e. If a team would like to reschedule a game following the scheduling deadline, a 

specific reschedule date must be set within the league dates of play, before the game can be changed.  


2.5 - Cancellation/Forfeit Policy 

Teams must give the league & opponent a 72-hour warning if forfeiting any match or they will be 

required to pay referee costs. Please remember that this is a club competition and not 

an individual team competition. The following is a list of common excuses teams cite for 

wanting to reschedule or cancel a game. We recommend the following solutions to frequently 

posed problems: 


? Too many players missing (sick, testing, etc.) - Remember that any player from your club 

is available to participate with your team as long as they are of correct age. In league 

matches please use lower team players or players from younger teams within your club to 

fill out your roster.  


? Missing Coach - Any coach with a valid pass for your club is able to coach any team in 

that club. If your coach has several commitments, then it is recommended that teams have 

an assistant coach or another coach from the club available to cover games. 


? No Fields Available - It is expected that if your team is playing in Carolina Champions 

League, and if you are hosting games, you have access to quality fields. This excuse will not 

be acceptable for cancellation of a match. 


? Tournaments/other games - Carolina Champions League understands that teams will 

possibly play in a tournament during the league. This will not be an acceptable excuse to ask 

to reschedule a game if given after the Carolina Champions League scheduling deadlines. Please plan your schedule well in advance so your schedule does not become so full that you are unable to fulfill your league commitment. 

Section 3: Game Officials 

3.1 - Match Officials 

Match officials must be current year USSF licensed referees. The match officials shall consist of 

the referee and two assistant referees except 7v7/ 9v9 formats of play may be played with one 

referee. Clubs may elect to use club linesmen for 7v7/ 9v9 formats of play. No match officials, 

other than club linesmen, may have family members in the game they are working. Club 

linesmen may only signal when the ball has left the field of play, they may not call off-sides or 



3.2 - Assignment of Match Officials 

Match officials shall be assigned by the Referee Assignor working on behalf of the Carolina Champions League and paid by the teams for each match. 


Section 4: League Discipline 

4.1 - Violating League Rules 

The Carolina Champions League and the Carolina Champions League Office 

shall have the authority to suspend, fine, disqualify or otherwise impose sanctions on, players, 

team officials or competing clubs for violating league rules, the Carolina Champions League 

Code of Ethics or for any action or conduct not in the best interest of soccer or the Carolina 

Champions League. 


4.2 - Disciplinary Issues 

Any breach of Carolina Champions League Rules outlined in this Handbook should be reported 

to the appropriate Event Coordinator, who will then refer it to the League Office. Any incidents 

or breach of the Carolina Champions League Code of Ethics should be reported immediately. All reports of rule violations or breaches of the Carolina Champions League Code of Ethics may only be reported by a club’s DOC or President. 




4.3 - Red Cards 

If a Red Card is shown, it will result in a minimum of a one (1) game suspension. This includes a 

Red Card as the result of two cautions. If a player is sent off during the weekend, they may not 

play the remainder of the weekend, regardless of which event the Red Card is issued in. Games 

sat out that weekend will count against the suspension, as long as noted on the game card and/or 

Referee Game Report as such. Any player used during a suspension will be considered an illegal 

player and the team, coach and club will be punished accordingly. 


4.4 - Red Card Procedure 

In any game where a Red Card is issued, the referee must notify the Carolina Champions League 

League Office within 24 hours. The player card can be returned to the team as long as the 

Referee Send Off Report shows the infraction, the player’s name and ID number.  


4.5 - Suspensions 

It is the team’s and/or club’s responsibility to ensure their Red Carded player/coach serves the 

minimum 1 game suspension. It is also their responsibility to ensure that their player/coach 

serves any additional suspension determined by the Carolina Champions League PAD 

committee. There shall be two types of suspensions: 

1. Minor Offenses – These include send offs for normal soccer actions, 2nd yellow cards, etc. 

 Minor offenses will be given suspensions for a number of games within the competition 

that the red card was received in. 

2. Major Offenses – These include send offs for violent actions. Major offenses will incur 

suspensions for an amount of time and will rule players or coaches out across all Carolina 

Champions League competitions. 

The only exception is that a suspension may be postponed – at the discretion of the Carolina 

Champions League League Office – if it would prevent the player from playing in additional 




Section 5: Equipment 

5.1 - Safety 

A player must not use equipment or wear anything which is dangerous to themselves or another 

player (including all jewelry). 

5.2 - Casts 

No orthopedic (hard) casts, air splints or metal splints may be worn. Players will be allowed to 

play in a soft cast at the discretion of the Referee. 


5.3 - Jewelry 

Absolutely no jewelry, including rings, chains, watches, jewelry, hair clips, bobby pins, earrings, 

bracelets, rubber bracelets, or abnormally long fingernails may be worn while participating in 

any Carolina Champions League games. Only Medical Alert Warning Bracelets may be worn, 

and shall be taped to secure them to the player's body. Earrings and other piercings cannot be 

taped, and must be removed. 

5.4 - Shin guards 

All players are required to use shin guards at all times. They must be worn properly and be 

professionally manufactured and unaltered. Socks must completely cover shin guards. 

5.5 - Braces 

It is strongly recommended for the safety of the player, that a player does not wear a brace 

during Carolina Champions League games. Braces are allowed as long as the referee decides that 

the brace will not or cannot hurt the player wearing the brace or any other player. All metal, 

metal-like, or plastic brace supports are to be properly covered for the duration of the match. 

Elastic-type supports without any metal, carbon fiber, hard plastic or like devices are permitted 

provided the referee does not deem the support to be potentially harmful to other players. 

5.6 - Eyeglasses 

Players who must wear eyeglasses are encouraged to wear sports goggles. Lenses must be 

unbreakable and frames must be unbreakable plastic or sturdy metal. 

5.7 – Player Uniforms 

The two teams must wear colors that distinguish them from each other and also the referee and 

the assistant referees. It is recommended that the home team (team listed first) wear dark 

uniforms while the away team (team listed second) wears light uniforms. Each goalkeeper must 

wear colors that distinguish them from the other players, the referee, and the assistant referees. 

 All players on a team except the goalkeeper shall wear identical uniforms (shirts, shorts, and 


If there is a conflict in uniform color, the home team shall change uniforms. 

5.8 - Player Numbers 

Player numbers must be affixed to the back of the uniform shirt. Each player within a team shall 

wear a unique number that matches the shirt number issued on their player card. 

5.9 – Undergarments 

If undershirts or shorts are worn they should match the main color of the jersey or short. If tape, or 

other material is applied externally to the socks it must be the same color as the part of the sock 

to which it is applied. 

5.10 - Home Team 

The home team is the team listed first on the official schedule. The home team will furnish the 

game balls. 


5.13 - Technical Area 

Both team benches to be on the same side of the field. 


Carolina Champions League Rules and Regulations 


Section 1: Competition Rules 

1.1 - Playing Rules 

All games under league jurisdiction shall be played according to the rules and regulations 

recognized by the Carolina Champions League which shall be the same rules set by FIFA/ U.S. 

Soccer (USSF) except for those exceptions authorized by FIFA or USSF. 

1.2 - Point System 

All Carolina Champions Leagues shall operate under a point system. The point system shall 

award three points for a win, one point for a tie and no points for a loss.  

1.3 - Tie Breakers 

In case of a tie in the standings within a league, the following will be used as tiebreakers: 

1. “Head to head” points (win/lose/draw) between teams 

2. “Head to head” Goal Differential between teams 

3. Overall Goal Differential (up to 4) 

4. Goals for (up to 4) 

5. Goals against (up to 4) 

6. Most points against highest non-tied team in group 

7. Best goal differential against highest non-tied team in group 

8. Most shutouts 

9. Least red cards 

10. Coin toss 

1.4 - Game Details 


The playing field used by each team must be lined according to USSF standards with goals 

(games can be played as long as both goals are the same size), nets and flags. The goal of each 

club shall be to provide an enjoyable experience for the fans, players, officials and everyone 

involved with the staging of a soccer game. 

In all small sided formats ( 7v7 and 9v9), the use of cones is permitted for the formation of 

the field lines if needed. 

1.6 – Heading Game Rule 

For U12 and below, when a player deliberately heads the ball in a game, an indirect free kick 

should be awarded to the opposing team from the spot of the offense. If the deliberate header 

occurs within the goal area, the indirect free kick should be taken on the goal area line parallel to 

the goal line at the point nearest to where the infringement occurred. If a player does not 

deliberately head the ball, then play should continue. 

This rule shall apply to the age groups of U12 and below. Players who are playing up will play 

according to the rules of the age group in which they are playing. It is the club’s responsibility 

to understand the effects of this rule on players playing up. 

1.65  Goalkeepers may not PUNT or DROP KICK the ball during 7v7 & 9v9 games. 

1.7 – No Re-Entry Protocol (for Head Injury) 

In accordance with the US Soccer return to play guidelines, any player removed from the field 

for a suspected head injury will not be allowed to return to the field of play unless cleared by a 

Healthcare Professional.  

1.8 – Healthcare Professional 

A healthcare professional is defined as “a licensed healthcare professional such as an athletic 

trainer certified (ATC), or a physician (MD/DO), with a skill set in emergency care and sports 

medicine injuries and with knowledge and experience related to concussion evaluation and 

management.” It will be up to each club to decide whether they will provide a healthcare 

professional at their matches, and to ensure that this individual has the correct certification to be 

evaluating players for head trauma. If a club plans to use a healthcare professional to evaluate 

suspected head injuries during a Carolina Champions League match, the healthcare professional 

must be presented to the referee prior to the start of the match. Referees will not allow the 

re-entry of players removed from the field of play for suspected head injuries unless they are 

informed of the presence of, and meet with, a healthcare professional prior to the start of the 


1.9 - Substitutions 

As per FIFA guidelines, unlimited substitutions are allowed in all ages group. However, teams 

may substitute only with the referee’s permission. Substitutes must wait on the sideline (off of 

the field of play) until the field player has left the field of play and/or the referee has indicated 

the substitute may enter the field of play. 

Substitutions by either team are allowed at any stoppage of play with the permission of the 

referee. Referees will be instructed not to allow substitutions that are deemed “excessive” or of a 


time wasting” nature. Please be respectful of the integrity of the game and do not use the free 

substitution rules as a means to disrupt the match. 


1.10 – Ties in League Play 

If a league game is tied after regulation, the tie stands and will be posted as a tie. 

1.11 - Playoffs for League 

For matches that need a winner, the team with the most goals after regulation time will be the 

winner. If the match is tied after regulation for U9-U19 teams, two five minute periods will be 

played. Teams will have a 5-minute break before the first overtime. After 5 minutes, teams will 

change sides, with no break, and play the remaining 5 minutes. If the game is still tied after the 

two overtime periods, then kicks from the mark per FIFA will determine the winner. 

Please make sure you arrive for your game knowing if the game can end in a draw or if a 

winning team is required. 

1.12 - Incomplete games 

In the event that a game cannot be completed, the game will stand if half or more of the game 

was played; provided, however that if any team is directly responsible for the termination of the 

game, no matter how much of the match remains, due to poor sportsmanship towards a referee, 

opposing fans, or opposing players, the team will be required to forfeit the match. This could 

also lead to other sanctions set forth by the Carolina Champions League Office. If there is no result, and the match is suspended prior to the 

expiration of one half, the game shall be replayed at a time agreed upon by the competing teams 

in consultation with the Carolina Champions League Office. Referees are required to submit an 

incident report for all matches that are ended early. 

1.13 - No-Shows 

A no-show occurs when a team willfully does not show up to a game agreed to by the teams. 

 The penalty for a no-show shall be a forfeit to the opposing team with a 0-3 score as well as a 

$500 fine imposed on the club. One no-show may result in the offending team being terminated 

from the league. Two no-shows in a single season may result in the offending club’s 

termination from the league. 

1.14 - Forfeits 

A forfeit occurs when a team is unable to attend a scheduled game and the teams are unable to 

come to terms on a time to reschedule (after the scheduling deadline has passed). A forfeit will 

result in a 3-0 win to the team not at fault. The forfeiting club will be fined $500 to cover all 

referee and field costs if they inform the opponent less than 72 hours before the scheduled game 

time. A team unable to attend a scheduled game because of an accident, or act of god (weather, 

etc) should immediately notify the opponent and the League Office. In these circumstances, the 

League Office will review and rule on the situation. 


1.15 - Protests 

Protests regarding the match conditions (i.e. field condition, etc.) must be made prior to the start 

of the match and be clearly written on the official game card. Protests regarding the use of 

illegal players may be made prior to or following the match and be clearly written on the game 

card. Specific referee decisions cannot be protested. No match condition protests will be allowed 

at Carolina Champions League hosted events. All protested games should be sent to the 

appropriate event coordinator, who will forward to the League Office for a ruling. 

1.16 – Fines 

The Carolina Champions League Office may impose the following fines: 

? Team drops out of the league after final team registration  drop date is confirmed: $750 

? Team drops out of the league after 1st game is played: $200 per game missed 

? No-show/ Forfeit within 72 hours to a scheduled game: $500 

No Show to League Directors Meeting: $500 

Non Compliance of Uniform policy: $100 per occurrence. 

Non Compliance of Coaches Lanyard policy: $100 per occurrence. 


Section 2: Rosters 

2.1 - Player Registration 

Players shall be registered according to US Club Soccer rules. 

2.2 - Game Roster 

Each team must create an official US Club roster. No matter how many players are listed on a 

team’s roster, only 18 players for U13 and up, 15 players for U11-U12 and 14 players for 

U9-U10 may be used for Carolina Champions League matches. 

Each roster will be locked after a specific date determined by the Carolina Champions 

League office. Rosters & Player Cards will be checked by referees before a  game has taken 


2.3 - US Club Soccer Player Pass 

All players and coaches must present their US Club Soccer player pass to the referee prior to the 

match. If the individual picture is not on the ID card and the card is not laminated, the individual 

will not be eligible for the match. 

2.4 - Forgotten US Club Player Credentials 

If a team forgets their US Club player passes for a Carolina Champions League game, the game 

should be played under protest. Any players that wish to play must have a picture taken prior to 

the game and submitted to the League Office to verify that the players were eligible to 

participate. If this is a continuous issue with a team or club, the League Office may remove that 

team from the league.In emergencies, an Electronic Copy of Roster/Player Card will suffice. 

2.5 - Guest Players 

No guest players are allowed in the Carolina Champions League. 

2.6 - Illegal Players 


Any player who does not appear on the official US Club roster or have a valid US Club Soccer 

Player Pass issued by the same club at the time of the match shall be considered an illegal player. 

 Any team using, or attempting to use, an illegal player shall forfeit the game, the coach of the 

team using the illegal player will be suspended from all Carolina Champions League 

competitions for one year, and the Club of the illegal player will incur a $500 fine. 

Section 3: Game Day Procedures 

3.1 - Game Day Procedures 

Each manager should have the following at every game 

? US Club Medical Release forms 

? US Club Soccer roster of team 

? US Club Soccer passes for its players and team officials 

? Provide and pay current year licensed USSF referees 

3.3 - Post-Game Procedure 

Home team Responsibilities: 

? Coach or manager sign the Game Card following the game 

? If a red card is given, see red card procedure above – this requires immediate action from 

the center referee and manager 

Visiting team responsibilities: 

? Coach or manager must sign the Game Card following the game 

3.4 - Personnel on the bench 

A maximum of 3 team officials are allowed in each team’s technical area. Team officials must 

have a US Club pass visible at all times in order to sit in the technical area. It is highly recommended that teams have several credentialed coaches or managers with passes for the team just in case something happens to the head coach. 

 A US Club pass makes a person eligible to coach any team in the club for which that coach or manager is credentialed. 

3.5 – Score reports 

The referee will collect the Game Card and deliver to the Carolina Champions League HQ 


3.6 – Game Cards 

Following the match, the Officials and each coach need to sign the Game Card. The referee 

will collect the Game Card and deliver to the Carolina Champions League HQ tent. 

3.7 – Jersey Conflict 

If there is a conflict in jersey colors, it is the home team’s responsibility to change colors. The 

Carolina Champions League designates home teams to wear their dark colors, while away teams 

wear light colors. 


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