Online Check-In Preview

Below you will find some screen shots with descriptions explaining what you are looking at.  We want you to be able to take a look at the online check-in system before you get it activated for your event!

Directors will be able to quickly see the status of any team throughout the process.

As a director, you can pull up a report at any time that will show all of the teams that have started the online check-in process and the status of each task. Clicking on the team name would take the director right to the online check-in page for that team.

Here is the Online Check-In task page for a team.  Each team will get a list of tasks with an icon letting them know if the task is optional, if it is required, incomplete or complete.  Clicking on the icon would take them to the page where they can complete the step.

To give you an idea of how teams will add their documents, this is a look at how a team will add player passes, medical releases, and other individual documents. For items such as the roster and athlete waivers, the team can upload one document and they would just identify which athletes are listed on it.

Here is a look at the help tab.  Clicking the tab will open it up with FAQ's for that page. If that doesn't answer the person's question, they can type their question in the box at the bottom which will go directly to the sincSports support team so we can reply to the person as quickly as possible to help them on their way.


SincSports Online Check-In

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