2017 TFCA Friendlies Rules
Tournament Format
- DIVISIONS WITH 4 TEAMS: Three matches guaranteed. Teams will play each other in a round robin format. Based on points accumulated from round robin play, the first place team will play the second place team in the fourth game for the championship. Ties will stand in the preliminary games.
- DIVISIONS WITH 5 TEAMS: Four matches guaranteed in a round robin format. The champion and runner-up will be determined by a point system using Rules A and B. Ties will stand in all games.
- DIVISIONS WITH 6 TEAMS (two brackets times three teams):
- Teams A1-A3 will play 3 cross division preliminary round matches against B1-B3.
- At the conclusion of all preliminary round matches, all teams will be ranked by points and the top 2 teams will play a Championship match.
- DIVISIONS WITH 8 TEAMS: Three matches guaranteed. Teams are divided into 2 groups (A and B) with each team playing three matches within its group. Ties will stand in the preliminary games. The top team in each group advances to the Championship Game.
Showcase Format
All teams will play 3 games.
Team Check In
- The TFCA Friendlies is an unrestricted event.
- Teams can use online check-in or check-in on site.
- On site check-in options:
- All teams will be required to have the following during check-in:
- USYS or US Club roster
- Guest player roster (if applicable)
- Player passes
- Player medical waiver forms
- Permission to travel form (if applicable)
- Hotel Information Form (required for all teams, found under Information-->Documents)
- Teams must have rosters, passes and medical waiver forms on field at every game.
Guest Players
There is a 5 player limit to the # of guest players you can have with your team.
Unlimited substitutions will be allowed in all ages at the following times:
- Prior to a throw-in (team in possession can sub)
- Prior to a goal kick by either team
- After a goal is scored
- At half-time
Game Lengths
We've asked the referees to limit half times to 5 minutes and to start each game on time.
- U11-U12: 30 minute halves
- U13-U14: 35 minute halves
- U15-U19: 40 minute halves
Game Ball
A tournament ball will be brought to the field by referees. If the ball is lost, kicked over a fence or in the woods, etc., an acceptable ball must be provided by the home team in order to keep the game from being delayed.
- U11-U12: size 4 ball
- U13-U19: size 5 ball
The TFCA Friendlies is a showcase style event for all age groups and referees have been asked to not issue red cards. However, referees can mandate a player leave the field for violent play without showing the card. The coach of that team may replace that player to continue playing with 8 or 11 players.
- Coaches are responsible for the conduct of their players and spectators.
- The Event Director or his/her designee has the right to ask anyone to leave the complex for unsportsmanlike behavior.
Spectator and Coaching Area
- Both teams will sit on the same side of the field.
- Parents and spectators must sit in the appropriate areas across from their team.
Inclement Weather
- Regardless of weather conditions, coaches and their teams must appear on the field of play, ready to play as scheduled.
- Only the Event Director or his/her designee can cancel or postpone a game.
- The safety of the players and spectators will be the first concern in making any weather decisions.
- The Event Director or his/her designee may move the location of a game to another field or complex.
- Inclement weather before the game: in case of severe weather conditions before play begins, the Event Director or his/her designee may reduce the length of the game.
- Inclement weather during the game: should a game's progress be terminated due to severe weather conditions, the game will be considered official.
- For field updates due to weather, subscribe to RainedOut (enter your mobile #, the validation code, and select "TFCA Girls Friendlies" and "subscribe", or check the TFCA Twitter feed: @Triangle_FC
Player Equipment
In general, Law IV of FIFA Laws applies.
- The HOME team (team listed FIRST) should wear their LIGHTER-COLORED jersey, shorts and socks.
- If color of jerseys is similar or same, the designated home team will change colors. (Team listed FIRST on schedule is the home team.)
- No plastic or metal jewelry of any kind (except corrective glasses) may be worn.
- Shin guards are required for all players.
- Casts - players who are wearing protective casts are allowed to play if the following conditions are met:
- Cast is wrapped in foam or other material that will protect other players.
- The referee approves the cast protection and such approval will not be unreasonably withheld.
Scoring Point System
- Win - 3 points
- Tie - 1 point
- Loss - 0 points
- Bonus Points - Max 5 per game (subtract "goals allowed" from "goals scored")
Tie Breaking Procedure
- 4 or 6 team group – used to determine playoff seeding
- 5 team group – used to determine champion
If there are more than two teams tied #1 is thrown out, the tiebreaker will return to number 1 only after a team has been eliminated from the tie, proceed #2-5.
1 - Head to Head
2 - Most goals scored up to 5
3 - Points for goal differential (determined by subtracting "goals allowed" from "goals scored", up to 5 per game)
4 - Fewest Goals allowed
5 - Most shutouts (includes 0-0 ties)
6 - FIFA penalty kicks (reduce to equate FIFA Law will apply)
Tie Breaking Procedure (Semi-Finals and Finals)
- Five minute break before play resumes
- Referee will again toss a coin for choice of direction of play
- Two full five-minute overtime periods will be played.
- If still tied, FIFA Penalty Kicks - best of 5 then rotate 1 for 1 (any player on team may take kick).
Unless superseded by a ruling from the Tournament Director or his/her designee, there will be a maximum grace period of 10 minutes allowed after the scheduled kick-off time before the team not showing forfeits the match. The game clock will begin at the scheduled time of the match and the game will begin play no later than the ten-minute mark.
- U11 teams must have five (5) or more players present in order to begin a match.
- U12 and older teams must have seven (7) or more players present in order to begin a match.
- Score of a forfeited match will be 5-0.
Awards (on-site) and website recognition will be given in age groups U11-U15, for the following:
- Champion – team and individual awards
- Finalist – individual awards
Should tournament be shortened in whole or in part to not include championship games or points (depending on the number of teams in a division, as described above), no team or individual awards will be given.
- All decisions of the referee that do not conflict with the event rules are final and binding.
- The Friendlies Committee, TFCA and USCS will not be responsible for any expenses incurred by any team or club if the event is canceled in whole or in part, nor will any refunds be made.
- The Tournament Committee reserves the right to decide on all matters pertaining to the tournament and its judgment is final.
All teams who need accommodations must book hotel reservations through Anthony Travel, Inc. to insure their place in the 2017 TFCA Friendlies. Any teams that do not comply will be at risk of forfeiting their acceptance.
For any and all emergencies, please contact Tournament Director Pete Sadin (919) 696-2026.
Scores and Standings
To be posted by 9:00pm Saturday and Sunday evening - www.tfcfriendlies.com
Team managers should promptly email the scores of their games to:
FriendliesScores@gmail.com. Put the division name (ex U13 Girls White) in the subject.
Tournament Cancellation Policy
Should the tournament be cancelled in part or in whole due to any act of nature or for any other reason, no refunds will be guaranteed. TFCA is not liable for any expenses incurred by any party due to tournament cancellation, including tournament registration fees.
Refund Policy
NO refunds will be made after an acceptance letter has been mailed to a team unless the team is not accepted, therefore the entry fee will be refunded. No refund will be made in the event of cancellation or shortening of any matches, or of the tournament in part or in whole, due to inclement weather and/or field conditions.