Field Policies
Please make sure everyone attending the games are aware of the below field policies.
Have fun!
Always be positive.
Always allow the coach to be the only coach.
Support the coaches, officials, and administrators working with your child, in order to encourage a positive and enjoyable experience for all.
Respect all YMCA staff, volunteers, and officials.
Sit behind the red lines and in the designated areas for spectators.
Sit across from your team’s bench up to mid-field.
On turf fields, only use chairs with a rubber bottom or put a towel down.
Throw away all trash and respect the playing field.
Applaud and enjoy good play on the field from your team and the opposition.
Contact the field marshal, head referee, or tournament director if any problem arises.
No pets or smoking on fields at any time.
Do not criticize game officials.
Do not get into arguments with the opposing team’s parents, players, or coaches.
Do not leave your other children unattended while enjoying the game.
Alcohol, illegal drugs and unauthorized prescription drugs shall not be possessed, consumed or distributed before, during or after any games at any other time at the field and/or tournament facility.
Anyone not adhering to the above field policies will be asked to leave.