To insure the quality of service provided at the Triumph Cup Soccer Tournament, TYSA has partnered with GroupHousing as the official Hospitality Service of the tournament.
Please make certain you book your hotel rooms by November 7th to receive the group rates. All teams who need accommodations are required to book hotel reservations through GroupHousing to insure their place in the Triumph Cup Soccer Tournament. GroupHousing guarantees the lowest rate available for all teams. Group Housing will make this process efficient and friendly for you, while providing exceptional hotel accommodations for all teams. Most hotels will offer a breakfast, kid friendly services, budget conscious rates, and amenities to enhance your stay. Each hotel is strategically located just minutes from all of the fields.
Please see the link below and it will connect you with all of the hotels with maps. You may also contact Group Housing at 888-290-3210 to book your hotel as well.
Hotel Link:
If you need assistance, please call (888) 290-3210
Please ask any and every question regarding your hotel. GroupHousing is very organized and the Triumph Cup is pleased to have them on board this year.
Thanks for your support and have a great time!
Gareth O'Sullivan
Triumph Cup Director
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