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North Carolina
2nd Grade Boys Wake Forest
WF Hawks
Loaded by Vicki Rohde

10/30/21WF Penguins
10/23/21WF Parrots
10/16/21WF Falcons
10/02/21WF Ostriches
09/26/21WF Owls
09/19/21WF Robins
09/18/21WF Raptors

North Carolina
1st Grade Boys Wake Forest
WF Hawks
Loaded by Vicki Rohde

05/08/21WF Raptors
05/01/21WF Ostriches
04/24/21WF Penguins
04/17/21WF Owls
04/10/21WF Robins
03/27/21WF Parrots
03/21/21WF Falcons

North Carolina