• Frequently Asked Questions
      Here are a few frequently asked questions that may help you as you consider playing in the 4v4. If you need answers to questions not on this list, please email us! 
      Q: How many players can be on a team?
      A: A maximum of 8 players may be rostered on any given team. Teams play with 4 players on the field. 
      Q: Can I form my own team?
      A: Yes. Team formation is up to you. The 4v4 is open to NCFC Youth and non-NCFC Youth players and teams. Teams may be formed from your existing team, or you may put together a team of friends. 
      Q: Can my team make their own jersey? 
      A: Yes. Teams may get creative in their uniform selection. Jerseys are not required to have numbers on them, so if you want to get creative with your 4v4 team name and jersey, go for it! Or, you can opt to wear an existing uniform. Jerseys just have to be the same color. All teams should plan to bring a light colored (white) option or pennies in case two teams have the same color. 
      Q: What should I expect on tournament day?
      A: You can expect to hang around the fields for the entire day (~6 hrs). Each team plays 4 games, and generally, the schedule is game, rest, game, rest and so on until you have completed your 4 games. In the past, many teams have brought tents and just camped out all day. If it's chilly, be sure to bring blankets! We'll have food vendors on-site, but plan to bring snacks to get you and your kids through the day. 
      Q: Will my game have a referee?
      A: Yes. All games have one referee. Please remember that these referees are donating their time to the tournament to maximize our donation to the tournament beneficiary!
      Q: Do I get anything if my team wins?
      A: We made a decision in 2014 that we would not award medals or trophies for this event. Champions and finalists will be publicized, but the 4v4 is all about bringing the community together, playing soccer, and doing it to support other kids in our community who need it most. 
      Q: Can my team pay as individuals? 
      A: No. We set up payment to be in the form of team registration. If everyone is contributing to the registration fee, we recommend one person register the team and then team members pay back that individual. Payment must be made online by the registration/payment deadline.
      Q: If I'm not a youth player, can I participate? 
      A: Yes. We would love for you to put together an adult team. We have adult co-ed, men's open, and women's open divisions. This is a great time to dust off the old boots and come on out! 

      Q: What do I need to bring to check-in?
      A. All check-in takes place 1 hr before your first game. You need to bring 5 copies of the Roster/Medical form to be certified at check-in. The roster/medical needs signatures from every player's parent/guardian. We will keep one copy, then you will give a copy to to the referee before each of your four games. 
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